The 2017 Joint IEEE ISAF-IWATMD-PFM Conference will address the science and technological developments related to a broad range of functional materials, covering ferroics, pyroelectrics, piezoelectrics, dielectrics, and polar materials and their integration to enable new (multi)functional devices, including sensors, actuators, transducers, memories, capacitors, electro-optic devices, magnetic devices, acoustic and ultrasonic transducers, medical devices, energy harvesting and storage devices, and mechanical logics, among others. The joint forum provided by the ISAF, IWATMD and PFM organizations will provide the unique opportunity for a productive interdisciplinary exchange of ideas on functional and smart materials, with participants from industry, research institutes, and academia.
ISAF /PFM Group 1: Fundamentals of Ferroelectrics and Related Materials
ISAF/PFM Group 2: Processing of Ferroelectric Crystals, Ceramics, Thick and Thin Films
ISAF/PFM Group 3: Characterization & Properties of Ferroelectrics
ISAF/PFM Group 4: Applications of Ferroelectrics, Piezoelectrics and Related Materials
IWATMD Group 5: Acoustic Transducers & Applications
ISAF /PFM Group 1: Fundamentals of Ferroelectrics and Related Materials
- Electronic conduction phenomena in bulk ferroelectrics, thin films and domain walls (ferroelectric tunneling, ferroelectric & magnetoresistive barriers, domain wall electronics)
- Point defects & nanoionics in oxides (electroresistive & neuromorphic systems; fundamental aspects of ionic motion & defects in functional oxides; ionically-mediated electromechanical responses)
- Ionic phenomena in ferroelectrics (reliability & lifetime, degradation, aging, fundamental aspects of wall pinning and order parameter interactions)
- Surface and interface phenomena on ferroelectric materials: screening and dead layers and domain wall instabilities
- Domain engineering
- Relaxor and birelaxor ferroelectrics/dielectrics and disorder effects
- Ferroelectric photovoltaics (bulk and barrier photovoltaic effects, photostriction, photopoling, photoconductivity, etc.)
- Theory & modeling (domain structure, phase transitions, critical phenomena, density functional theory, first-principles calculations, phenomenology)
- Nanoscale phenomena (nanostructure & size effects on piezo-/ferroelectric properties)
- Multiferroics & magnetoelectric effects
- Flexoelectricity in bulk materials, membranes and structures
- Development of new ferroelectric and multiferroic materials: experiments & theory
- Ferroelectricity in non-classical materials: binary oxides, sulfides and fluorides
ISAF/PFM Group 2: Processing of Ferroelectric Crystals, Ceramics, Thick and Thin Films
- Bulk materials (single crystals, ceramics, polymers, liquid crystals & composites)
- Thick & thin film processing technologies (preparation, characterization)
- Patterning methods (net-shape forming, microfabrication)
- Biomaterials (biofilms, self-organized nanostructures & ferroelectric-like tissue)
ISAF/PFM Group 3: Characterization & Properties of Ferroelectrics
- Fundamental phenomena in ferroelectrics through scattering (X-ray & neutron scattering of structure, bulk and domain wall dynamics, phenomena at surfaces and interfaces)
- Electron microscopy of ferroelectric materials (direct mapping of order parameter fields, surface and interface phenomena, in-situ studies of domain switching)
- Raman and optical spectroscopies of ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials
- Local phenomena in ferroelectrics by scanning probe microscopy methods: piezoresponse force microscopy, optical near field imaging, and microwave microscopy,
- Spectroscopic probing of electronic and electrochemical phenomena at ferroelectric surfaces and interfaces
- Electrical & electromechanical characterization (broadband dielectric spectroscopy, piezoelectric characterization, non-linear methods, etc.)
- Novel characterization methods (focused X-ray ptychography, etc)
ISAF/PFM Group 4: Applications of Ferroelectrics, Piezoelectrics and Related Materials
- Ferroelectrics & antiferroelectrics for energy (electrocaloric materials & devices, ferroelectric photovoltaics, thermoelectric materials & devices)
- Dielectrics (capacitors, ultra high-K materials, RF & THz materials & properties, energy storage harvesting devices, MRI Concepts (dielectrics for focusing, etc.))
- Medical ultrasound transducers, ultrasound actuators, and sensors for harsh environments
- Ferroelectric memory materials & devices
- Piezoelectricity (high-performance piezoelectric single crystals, lead-free piezoelectrics, piezoelectric polymers, MEMS & other integrated piezo-devices)
- Pyroelectric materials & devices
- Optical phenomena (signal processing, storage devices, periodic poling, photonic band-gaps)
IWATMD Group 5: Acoustic Transducers & Applications
- Sonar transduction
- Transducers for non-destructive evaluation
- Energy harvesting
- Acoustic metamaterials
- Electromechanical characterization of SONAR Materials
- Novel active materials (magnetostrictive, magnetoelectric, piezo and electrostrictive polymers)
- High power characteristics of transducers and transducer materials